Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 209 of 3212

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Subject: New member
From: Chloe Doolittle Jones
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 20:35:46 -0000
Hello all. I found this group and the nosdiet site through a link 
from Amazon regarding a book I put on my wish list, "Naked at Noon" 

about sunlight (I have severe seasonal affective disorder and 
sunbathing and vitamin D/calcium-magnesium have helped). 

Amazing. I had come recently to similar conclusions about how to 
approach food. The alliteration of the S words is a great way to 
remember the principles. I decided I was not "dieting" anymore. 

Dieting kept me morbidly obese and bingeing, always feeling deprived, 
always overeating (because if I couldn't really have a verboten food 
item then I had to eat as much of it as possible when I 
had "transgressed" because I would never be able to eat it again). 

So I just eat no-sugar meals (in fact just purchased stevia and use 
tiny amounts for decaf and occasionally a vinaigrette) and on the 
weekends and special occasions I eat what I want (the difference is 
that because I know the weekend will come again I do not binge--I am 
not compelled to--because I know I can have those formerly forbidden 
items again). After about eight weeks of doing this, my blood 
pressure is down and my clothes are very loose, so loose I shall have 
to go down a size. I haven't weighed yet, but will...The scale is 
under a table currently being used by my houseguest whose house 
burned down in the Paradise Fire in San Diego County, and I frankly 
can't get to it right now, and when I do I will post some stats. 
Looking forward to seeing the progress of everyone here, including 
me, to regain some sanity so we can live and eat in the real world.

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